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Letter: Main Cycling Issues Are Closer to the Town Centre

Published on: 24 May, 2024
Updated on: 24 May, 2024

Boxgrove Roundabout (formerly known locally as the AA Roundabout).

From: Guy Thomas

In response to: Boxgrove Collision Shows Need for Safer Active Travel Infrastructure

I have lived in Guildford for many years, driving and cycling regularly on the Boxgrove and London Roads and surrounding areas. I’ve never been aware of a “notorious” issue with the Boxgrove Roundabout (or AA Roundabout as I call it, showing my age)  – if anything the Burpham/Aldi roundabout is more dangerous for cycling.

I have however lost count of the number of times I’ve seen cyclists on the London Road, in the dark with no lights at all. I appreciate this may have not been the issue with Femi [it has been said that it was not Ed], but it does need stating – as well as the increase in electric scooters.

In my opinion, the main issues for cycling in Guildford are when you get close to the town centre (which is where a lot of people want to go, shopping or the station), not around Boxgrove, Merrow or Burpham.

The Epsom Road is narrow with no cycling path as you approach Rogues, the London Road as you pass the High School, and don’t get me started on Stoke Road/Chertsey Street. Surely we have to consider more off-road routes utilising Stoke Park and by the Spectrum?

The other issue is parking your bike securely – there are limited safe spaces, almost none under cover and with bike thefts continuing to rise I don’t see myself cycling into town anytime soon.

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Responses to Letter: Main Cycling Issues Are Closer to the Town Centre

  1. Bethan Moore Reply

    May 25, 2024 at 9:37 am

    A lot of things to unpack here.
    1. Yes there are are lots of problematic roads and roundabouts in Guildford. I couldn’t agree more. But the Boxgrove/AA roundabout is the only one Surrey County Council is planning to improve. So I’ll take what I can get.
    2. Very disappointed to see several people insinuating in this article and previous comments that the cyclist had no lights. He did.
    3. You would probably have lost count of the people cycling with lights much more quickly. Noticing something anecdotally doesn’t mean that it is prevalent but unusual.
    4. I cycle frequently to the town centre for shopping and entertainment. It definitely needs improving too. And more secure bike parking, but at the moment I’m delighted when I can’t get a space in the bike racks.
    5. I don’t cycle on the roundabout in question. It has terrible visibility and scares me.

  2. Tom Arnold Reply

    June 4, 2024 at 10:07 am

    Nothing is going to improve in Guildford. GBC has treated active travel and cyclists in particular with utter contempt for decades. Emblematic was Cllr Bigmore’s forcing the Bike Project from the public site at Slyfield, which is now unused and rotting, having been a highly valuable social asset for a decade previously. With a council like that, there is absolutely no hope.

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