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Letter: Mind What You Say As Elections Draw Near

Published on: 29 Jan, 2015
Updated on: 29 Jan, 2015

From Alderman Bernard Parke

ballot boxI am sure it will not have gone unnoticed that in a little less than 100 days there are to be elections both general and local.

We are now witnessing a flurry of comments in the local media from correspondents, some of whom no doubt will be seeking  election in some form or another.

Here in Guildford, we face a series of proposals which may greatly effect our quality of life.

Of course, it may be too much to expect candidates to unite and be wholly constructive and not embark on petty point scoring.

It must be realised that such behaviour is a complete turn off to the electorate.

[Ed: well said Bernard! We hope readers will continue to contribute to the discussions on the stories we publish, either as comments added to the reply box or as stand-alone letters. We moderate all comments and edit letters before they are published accordingly. It is our policy to encourage debate that is both fair and constructive. As many of our regular correspondents know, it is also our policy to include full names.]

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Responses to Letter: Mind What You Say As Elections Draw Near

  1. Brian Miller Reply

    January 29, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    Having just received a reminder from GBC Electoral Services on registering to vote, which I always do, so long as people vote that’s the important issue; otherwise don’t complain.

    It’ll be a fascinating day on 7 May with so many parties contesting both the general and local elections, including two shades of green (Guildford Greenbelt and Surrey Greens for the general election).

    No sign of the FUKP Party or Monster Raving Looney Party to liven things up?

  2. Colin McCarthy Reply

    February 1, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    I am looking forward to the general election in May and the final result, as many things have changed since
    the last one.

  3. Stuart Barnes Reply

    February 4, 2015 at 9:32 am

    The main problem that I foresee is the fact that our votes are going to be split between parties with many of the same ideas/policies.

    Taking the protection of the green belt and our pleasant country-like surrounds for instance, there are several parties which claim to have similar policies, e.g. the Conservatives, the Guildford Greenbelt Group, UKIP, English Democrats, etc., etc.

    The splits both locally and nationally are likely to allow in candidates from hostile parties on a minority of votes.

    I do not know what the answer is. Any suggestions from anyone?

  4. Susan Parker Reply

    February 4, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    I think we need free and frank discussion so we can all explain our thinking on a number of issues, and then the electorate can chose the candidate that most closely fits your own preferences on all the matters discussed.

    People have the right to ask questions, and to hear the answers, and consider what the candidates have to offer.

    In that context, it is disappointing that the first hustings to be announced, at G Live on March 9, has representatives from Conservative, UKIP, Labour, Green and Lib Dem. My party, GGG, has not yet been invited.

    I have noted to the organisers, the Institute of Civil Engineers, that I am standing as a parliamentary candidate for Guildford, and that I am free and available to participate in that debate. I have been told that they will consider inviting me. As at the time of writing, I have not yet had an invitation.

    I think for the democratic process to be fair and open, it is appropriate to ensure that all candidates are able to speak out with a level playing field.

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