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Letter: More Politicians Should Cycle to See the Problems for Themselves

Published on: 5 Feb, 2023
Updated on: 5 Feb, 2023

From: Ben Darnton

In response to: State of Roads ‘No Fault of the Council’ – More Government Money Needed

I’ve been cycling five miles into work in central Guildford for many years to keep fit, save time and, most importantly, to save £100 a week in parking charges and fuel costs. But for safety reasons I have had to change my usual practice.

Due to the incredibly poor state of local roads, I have started driving halfway and then cycling for the rest of the journey.

While on holiday in Dorset last year, I read in a local paper that central government funding for road repairs is being cut drastically and here in Surrey road users are certainly noticing the difference recently.

One of the less obvious causes of potholes is that drains get clogged with leaves in the autumn, surface water sits on the road then through freeze-thaw action the already worn-out road surfaces breaks up.

Before a cyclist is seriously injured or a pedestrian is hurt by debris on the road the powers that be need to get together and sort this increasingly dangerous problem out once and for all. Perhaps more councillors and MPs should start cycling locally to realise just how bad the roads have become.

On a final more positive note some of the damaged and twisted roadside railings in the area appear to be at last being replaced, hopefully a sign that the enormous revenue generated from road users is at last getting channelled back on to the roads.

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Responses to Letter: More Politicians Should Cycle to See the Problems for Themselves

  1. Kevin McDonald Reply

    February 9, 2023 at 9:22 pm

    I completely agree with Mr Darnton on this issue. I’ve already had to fork out for a new car wheel and tyre this year already and that makes it three years on the trot for at least one of my cars.

    There are always potholes but this year there seems to be potholes that literally destroy vehicles and left unrepaired for weeks.

    The one on the A322 approaching Perry Hill a prime example. I report all of these, rightly, as emergencies because I hit one and went over the bars of my bike in Jacobs Well some years back.

    A new hole is still there as it joins the Woking Road now. On either occasion, I could have ended up under a car. On two wheels these potholes are not a puncture and nuisance, they can be deadly. So for those who read this when driving and wondering why the cyclist in front makes sudden swerves, chances are it is potholes and sunken drains, so give them space please.

  2. David Noster Reply

    February 12, 2023 at 10:07 am

    Hold referred to SCC for response.

    Funny how they blame cuts, as ever, yet there is a seemingly bottomless pit of money for subcontractors to shove up temp traffic lights for days before and after any actual works are happening, generally attended by some hapless individual sitting all day “minding” inanimate objects, causing the now routine stinking gridlock at over.

    The real issue is management. Contractors carry out totally substandard repairs that last only days, and utility companies do bodge job fill-ins that are never checked.

    If the works were done competently and overseen properly by those drawing their pay from our taxes, we wouldn’t be in this mess; plenty of other counties manage it. Just look at Surrey’s performance at: Scandalous.

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