Fringe Box



Letter: Why Move the Bus Station?

Published on: 2 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 2 Jan, 2017

From Bernard Parke

Hon Alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

Guildford Bus Station was moved to its present site, in the centre of the retail area, to give easy access to shoppers.

It has served its purpose now for several decades.

It also functions extremely well with the Park and Ride systems which, in turn, help considerably in reducing the number of private cars and the congestion that is only too common these days in the centre of our town.

It is also a favourite destination for the more infirm residents that can now meet up with friends and enjoy a recreational break in the nearby cafes.

This helps in some way to make up for the loss of their central watering holes such as in the riverside café and Haydon Place.

The question perhaps we should ask why move it at all?

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Responses to Letter: Why Move the Bus Station?

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    January 2, 2017 at 3:21 pm

    In my view, it should be moved to be adjacent the railway station as I have previously commented.

  2. Dennis Harvey-Hepherd Reply

    January 2, 2017 at 8:07 pm

    I find myself agreeing with Bernard Parke on this issue. To move away from the centre of town would rip a major hole in its reason to exist.

    As for moving it out to the rail station, this would make the bosses a commuter service not a town service.

    Several towns have successfully incorporated existing bus stations into new shopping centres.

  3. Peter Davies Reply

    January 3, 2017 at 11:32 am

    I completely agree, leave the bus station where it is.

    The bus station has been allowed to stagnate, with minimal investment made to improve it and nothing done to move buses, on a layover in the station, to a nearby location.

    Look at the Google satellite view of the bus station. Note the enormous empty site about to be developed that is next to the bus station, a perfect opportunity to have something super.

    Too late? If so, why did Guildford let the chance site slip through its fingers?

    There is a suggestion of on street bus termini. That’s back into the ice age and one of the reasons the existing bus station was created. One cannot but be suspicious that the key motive is to release capital by selling this valuable site regardless of local needs.

    How about updating the existing bus station (not just a quick makeover), building flats, offices, shops over the bus station. Locating the layover busses in the roadside spots suggested as alternative bus termini?

    Guildford seems to lack an overall vision of public needs and transport in the future. For the powers that be buses are an inconvenience that need to tucked away from high value retail sites where a quick buck can be made. Quick fix may well be Guildford’s modus operandi.

    Guildford must become a place all wish to visit. For its retail content, atmosphere and because it welcomes all and makes access by bus, train and car easy and an enjoyable experience.

  4. Bernard Parke Reply

    January 3, 2017 at 2:36 pm

    We did have a bus station near the railway station on both sides of the river.

    It was not a success and was moved as part of the Friary shopping centre development.

    Before that we had a series of bus bays throughout the town which were a nightmare to visitors and caused traffic problems.

    Just imagine the greater congestion we would have today if we went back to them.

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