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Letter: How Much More Expansion of Guildford Will There Be?

Published on: 1 Sep, 2014
Updated on: 1 Sep, 2014

From Lisa Wright

Here is a powerful image of how Guildford has expanded into its green belt over the last 60 years.

How much more will there be?

Guildford Cathedral from the air 1950s

Guildford Cathedral from the air c. 1957.

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Responses to Letter: How Much More Expansion of Guildford Will There Be?

  1. Graham Moore Reply

    September 1, 2014 at 12:54 pm

    “There was a green field far away, without a city wall…”

    Alas, not for much longer. God Save the green belt!

  2. Neville Bryan Reply

    September 1, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    Such a powerful picture.

    I really hope all our elected councilors are looking at this. On one hand they need to see how the cathedral area has now changed for the worse and, on the other, how they have let the Draft Local Plan proceed to consultation when it missing so many important documents.

    This should set you thinking on what will happen to Blackwell Farm, Liddington Hall, Gosden Hill, Wisley Airfield and the rest.

    It really is time for thinking again.

    We need to get Guildford an open, understood and agreed SHMA [Strategic Housing Market Assessment] document.

    Get control the University growth blight.

    Protect our green belt and give us the plan Guildford residents deserve, not one the builders only dream at Christmas of.

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