Fringe Box



Letter: My Apology for Any Offence Was Met With Bemusement

Published on: 9 Jun, 2022
Updated on: 9 Jun, 2022

Julie Iles

From: Colin Cross

R4GV borough and county councillor

In response to: The Annual Parish Meeting is Not a Political Platform

On Monday, June 6, I attended the East Horsley Parish Council monthly meeting with its full attendance of councillors and a few members of the public.

I was invited by the chairman to give a Surrey County Council update and so I took the opportunity to offer my apologies to all present for any offence or discomfort I had caused them by saying what I did at the AGM.

The unanimous reaction was bemusement and then general agreement that I had not said anything untoward on the night in question.

I am happy to leave it at that and leave it for others to get paranoid and hypocritical if it makes them happy.

I think The Dragon should reconsider its position regarding the continued publication of these, so-called, opinion columns if they are used for blatant grandstanding in this way.

Editors response. Our policy on comments, letters and opinion articles remains unchanged.

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