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Letter: It Is A Myth That Cllr Reeve’s Housing Numbers Are Wildly Different

Published on: 27 May, 2017
Updated on: 27 May, 2017

From Paul Spooner

leader of Guildford Borough Council

Cllr David Reeve [GGG, Clandon & Horsley], having met with GL Hearn and Justin Gardner, agreed that his methodology and the GBC SHMA [Strategic Housing Market Assessment] methodology were broadly aligned. There is no big mismatch at all. I surprised he has not made this clear and publicly stated that he made errors in his published data that were clarified in his communication with GL Hearn.

I am surprised he has not made this clear and publicly stated that he made errors in his published data that were clarified in his communication with GL Hearn. Also, he should confirm that he was given access to all data held by GBC and subsequently assisted by GL Hearn in his endeavours.

It is a myth that Cllr Reeve has produced a wildly different OAN [Objectively Assessed Need] but he seems unable to admit this in public as it would discredit his original claims.

I am not trying to knock Cllr Reeve as I appreciate the extensive work he undertook that has actually validated the SHMA and OAN and I have expressed thanks to him for confirming the validity of the SHMA.

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Responses to Letter: It Is A Myth That Cllr Reeve’s Housing Numbers Are Wildly Different

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    May 27, 2017 at 3:18 pm

    I’ve never read such complete balderdash, even from Cllr Spooner.

    If he is so confident in the validity of the methodology used to create the OAN and SHMA, then why does he continue to refuse to publish it? The public could then judge for themselves, as legally required under the NPPF.

    Hiding behind the false veil of “client confidentiality” will not wash.

    How can he possibly know to what extent Cllr Reeve’s methodology agrees, as he claims never to have seen the GL Hearn/JGC methodology.

    On the other hand, if in truth he does have access to it, then he is free to publish.

    He can’t have it both ways.

  2. Valerie Thompson Reply

    May 29, 2017 at 10:03 am

    If he has read the SHMA then he has misled us, as he claimed he has not seen it.

    If he has not seen it, how can he be so sure that the housing numbers are correct?

    Is he so foolish as to believe what he is told on such an important matter without checking the facts himself?

    If so, what is he doing in the position of leader of the council?

  3. Colin Cross Reply

    May 31, 2017 at 12:44 am

    In response to Jules Cranwell, Cllr Spooner is used to having it both ways?

    On the one hand, we are told by him that the Wisley development will not go ahead without all the necessary infrastructure being in place. On the other, he has stated publicly that he is confident that the required infrastructure will be in place. But where is his evidence base for this?

    Actually, it does not exist and this is all political spin, yet the Tories still say they should be trusted. Trusted with what? Selling us down the river seems a good start!

    Colin Cross is the Lib Dem borough councillor for Lovelace.

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