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Letter: National Leader Debate: A Local Turn-off?

Published on: 10 Apr, 2015
Updated on: 10 Apr, 2015

From Tony Ferris, standing as an independent candidate for Stoughton in the Guildford Borough Council election

Ballot Box Vote ElectionI watched the national leader debate on television last week with great expectations. However, the more I watched, the less credible they all seemed.

Some fared better than others, they had their statistics ready and their prepared quips. But they sounded more like squabbling kids than grown-ups.

Only about 65% of us vote in the national elections. And merely 36% in last year’s local elections. I don’t want to be cynical, but looking at the political parties publically fighting, it is hardly surprising.

These elections do matter to all of us. Especially the local elections. We have seen that where people feel that their vote will matter, we register to vote and turn out in force – look at the 85% turnout in the Scottish referendum.

We must not be defeatist or deflected by national apathy with politics. We live in a marvellous, prosperous part of the country. However, we cannot take this for granted. Councillors do not have a monopoly on wisdom or even common sense. What do the voters want? It is important that Guildfordians (and from my viewpoint, Stoughton residents) are listened to.

I am standing as an independent candidate for Stoughton in the forthcoming local council elections on May 7. I will do my best to call on as many homes as I can in the next few weeks to listen to what people in Stoughton want from their local council. I look forward to hearing about your concerns and ideas for our community.

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Responses to Letter: National Leader Debate: A Local Turn-off?

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    April 12, 2015 at 10:23 am

    Good luck Mr Ferris. We need more Independents and more independence in local government.

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