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Letter: NHS Still Making Time For Urgent Cases

Published on: 17 Jan, 2021
Updated on: 16 Jan, 2021

From: Alastair Watson

The Friday before Christmas, my GP informed me there was a possibility that I had bowel cancer.

As we all know, the NHS is under extreme pressure but my doctor tried to arrange an essential diagnosis as quickly as he could.

Within 14 days, I was examined at the Royal Surrey County Hospital (RSCH) and, thankfully, the early indication is that I most probably did not have cancer.

Despite all the other demands caused by this dreadful pandemic, the staff were calm, professional and no one could have asked for more care.

We all applaud the selfless sacrifice that the brave souls in the NHS are making but I can confirm that, at the RSCH, they still try to make time for other urgent cases.

Thank you NHS. We salute you.

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