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Letter: It’s Not A Fight Against GBC But Against the Appeal

Published on: 20 May, 2017
Updated on: 20 May, 2017

County Cllr Julie Iles (Con, The Horsleys)

From Julie Iles

county councillor for the Horsleys

In response to: Letter: What Does County Councillor Mean By The ‘Fight’ Against GBC?

I regret Cllr Spooner is doing this in public when he could of course speak with me directly. My exact comment in response to Cllr Colin Cross was as follows:

“Consistent with setting aside political differences, it’s worth noting that Conservative borough councillors Jenny Wicks and Matt Sarti last night voted against the latest version of the Guildford Local Plan going to consultation.

“They both also voted in favour of Cllr Cross’s proposed amendment asking for Wisley to be deleted from the plan.

“Defeated by majority the fight continues.”

This is not a fight against GBC it’s a fight against the appeal which is ongoing with regard to the application for development at the former Wisley Airfield (Three Farms Meadow.)

My objections have been a matter of record since 2015 and I make no secret of supporting the Wisley Action Group.

Cllr Cross originally stated that he was happy to set aside political differences to ensure such an unsuitable site is not taken forward.

I stand with residents, which is what you would expect a locally elected representative to do in order to fulfil their obligations. Mole Valley Conservatives stand on a mandate to protect the green belt and Lovelace ward falls within Mole Valley [parliamentary] constituency which I hope will not change.

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Responses to Letter: It’s Not A Fight Against GBC But Against the Appeal

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    May 20, 2017 at 8:20 pm

    This infighting between the Tories so near to the general election certainly will not help those Conservatives seeking to be elected.

    It is surely unbelievable that this should be allowed to happen so near to polling day.

  2. Paul Spooner Reply

    May 20, 2017 at 11:53 pm

    I am grateful to Cllr Iles for her clarification but the boundary proposal by Cllr Cross is not parliamentary only district.

    Paul Spooner is the council leader of GBC

  3. Colin Cross Reply

    May 21, 2017 at 11:30 pm

    I suggest that Cllr Spooner re-reads Cllr Iles’ reply above and perhaps the penny may drop that she is perfectly well aware of what she is saying and requires no correction from him or anyone else.

    The principle of Lovelace Ward leaving Guildford Borough is still being considered, as is where it may ultimately end up: there are a number of options at present.

    If it does decide to look elsewhere for its local government jurisdiction, Lovelace will remain in the Mole Valley parliamentary constituency.

    I am happy to join with Julie Iles and a growing number of like-minded Lovelace locals who have seen that their thousands of letters and comments to GBC over the last two years have been ruthlessly disregarded. Instead, the trajectory remains as it was, to build an urban ghetto in an isolated rural backwater and to hell with the disastrous results. We both remain committed to fighting this, firstly against the developers and then the latest GBC Local Plan, if they still refuse to see sense by removing it.

    I suggest Cllr Spooner takes an intake of breath and then reads what Julian Lyon has to say on the Local Plan, the borough council’s poor performance and on Cllr Spooner’s bullying etc, all to be found in an astounding piece: Opinion: We Need A Better Long-term Local Plan for Guildford.

    Perhaps then he will begin to understand that this is beyond petty party politics.

    Colin Cross is the Lib Dem borough councillor for Lovelace.

  4. Tony Edwards Reply

    May 22, 2017 at 10:48 am

    As Cllr Iles suggested, however, it might be appropriate for Cllr Spooner to consider a direct, one-to-one approach rather than the usual ‘mine’s bigger than yours’ slanging match he seems to favour.

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