Fringe Box



Letter: Why Not Sell Up and Go On A World Cruise?

Published on: 31 May, 2017
Updated on: 31 May, 2017

From John Robson

The trajectory to demolish the green belt comes from Westminster. GBC are just the infantry, the cannon fodder, engaged to flush out the technical arguments ready for the legal challenges, I think they call it a “consultation”.

But with this in mind, is it really worth enduring a 25-year slog to pay off a mortgage just for it to be confiscated by the government to pay for the social care you thought you’d paid for through a lifetime’s worth of direct taxation?

Has the impact of the Conservative’s “Dementia Tax” been factored into the housing number?

Why don’t we just sell off all our assets, go on a world cruise and then just be a burden on the state?

What is the point of a working person spending their life playing by the rules when the millionaires who govern us just keep moving the goal posts?

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