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Letter: On This Occasion, I Agree with Stephen Mansbridge

Published on: 26 Apr, 2017
Updated on: 26 Apr, 2017

From Fiona Curtis

Former chair of Compton Parish Council

In response to: Letter: Self Interest or Public Interest?

Whilst I too find criticism of local politics a “bit rich” coming from Mr Mansbridge, on this occasion, I agree with our former leader.

I cannot see how Cllr. Furniss can give 100% as a GBC councillor, especially as deputy leader, whilst holding down a job if he takes on a role as a councillor with Surrey County and wears all the various other hats associated with the umpteen committees he is on.

There is also the question of objectivity.

In my view, Simon Gimson was an excellent councillor, he attended parish council meetings and understood the needs of the parishes. His background would have been an asset given Guildford’s infrastructure issues, but as with the selection of representatives, politics overrules qualifications.

In his absence, Cllr George Johnson [UKIP] has done a sterling job. Those voting tactically may choose the Lib Dem or Nick Norton who is standing for GGG (Guildford Greenbelt Group) which represents the policies and values I, and many others, hold dear.

So with a bit of luck, voters will think twice before putting Cllr. Furniss in a no-win position. Not voting for Cllr Furniss will give him more time to concentrate on the important position he holds at GBC and more time to understand the impact on the parishes of the development he supports.

I am sorry to see that The Guildford Dragon NEWS editor, Martin Giles, is once again on the receiving end of defamatory comments from Cllr. Spooner. I very much enjoy the quality, variety and honesty of the journalism. Long may it continue.

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Responses to Letter: On This Occasion, I Agree with Stephen Mansbridge

  1. Wayne Smith Reply

    April 26, 2017 at 1:31 pm

    “I cannot see how Cllr. Furniss can give 100% as a GBC councillor, especially as deputy leader, hold down his day job, and wear all the various other hats associated with the umpteen committees he is on, if he takes on a role as a councillor with Surrey County Council.”

    Perhaps the answer to that is that Cllr. Furniss will employ “Modal Shift”.

    Anyone that can seriously spout the following when commenting on the Regeneration Strategy for Guildford Town Centre must consider himself destined for a life in Westminster uttering meaningless soundbites.

    From the Dragon 25th January 2017:

    “Modal shift is not going to be an easy solution because it requires a culture shift in the way we conduct our journeys…

    “It is not going to be an instantaneous change, it will take a number of years but there will be small improvements at each point, because we are not looking to have a silver bullet to get everyone onto modal shift, the idea is to create the capacity to bring modal shift into our current network, and in future, an improved network as well, which will allow the network to flow freely but, at the same time, provide reliable journey times.”

    How apt that he should be standing for an area afflicted by regular traffic jams on the A281 into Guildford. We’ll know soon enough whether the voters of Shalford tell Cllr. Furniss to get on his bike.

  2. C Williams Reply

    April 26, 2017 at 9:39 pm

    I find this all a non-issue. There are a number a borough councillors of various parties, who are also Surrey County Councillors, and hold down normal jobs. The list includes Furniss’ fellow Executive member Graham Ellwood. As far as I am aware they work hard and take their roles at each council seriously.

  3. John Armstrong Reply

    April 27, 2017 at 9:52 am

    I do not know much about Cllr Matt Furniss but on reading the letters and posts pertaining, and regarding the sidestepping of former Cllr Simon Grimson, obviously with the support of members of the selection committee, if I were looking for a straightforward “Honest Joe” to represent me at County Hall I might come to feel that if I couldn’t have Simon Gimson I may as well stick with George Johnson. He is a known quantity at least, very well regarded with a 100% attendance record.

    As I understand things most councillors who’s names appear in the media seem to have an army of detractors. They all seem to be up to something, politically speaking. Matt Furniss seems to be on a career path. Nothing wrong with that I suppose.

    On the other hand, Cllr Johnson, with no party whip can, and does, give his undivided attention to his electorate as he has less chance of becoming MP for Guildford than Vladimir Putin.

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