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Letter: Only Proactive Enforcement Action Will Reduce Fly-tipping

Published on: 25 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 25 Jul, 2023

From: Roland Dunster

In response to: Fly-tipping and Discarded Mattresses Cause Problems at Ash Recycling Site

All the time national and local authorities (including GBC) persist with the mindless strategy of just “tackling” the symptoms of fly-tipping and littering, rather than the causes, these consequence-free crimes will continue unabated and the perpetrators will be further emboldened.

The most cursory inspection of all environments of the borough, county and country lay bare the demonstrable failure of the “urging”, “persuading” and “nudging” philosophy but only the full, proactive and overt enforcement of laws and fines will alter this behaviour.

As with parking enforcement (publicly understood and accepted), this should be carried out by the authorities themselves or through the use of authority support providers.

To continue the extremely expensive vicious cycle of, allowing fly-tipping and littering; cursory clearing; allowing fly-tipping and littering,  is to perpetuate the long-standing prioritisation of the perpetrators over those who simply wish to live in, and contribute to, a clean, beautiful and safe environment.

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Responses to Letter: Only Proactive Enforcement Action Will Reduce Fly-tipping

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    July 25, 2023 at 10:32 pm

    Reality needs to set in not dictatorship.
    where do you take a mattress!
    Building materials. Garden cuttings if there is time limited and high cost to taking it to the tip!

    Currently at over £250 for a skip, charge by the bag at slyfield.

    Disposing of unwanted items if you are on the bottom rung is virtually financial impossible.

    Time to reassess how are unwanted items are disposed of!

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