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Letter: Only The Dragon Focuses on Guildford

Published on: 8 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 8 Aug, 2023

From: Brian Creese

former chair of Guildford Labour

We are very lucky to have The Guildford Dragon NEWS here, and personally I will support it in any way I can.

The great thing about The Dragon is its focus on Guildford whereas the Surrey Advertiser has increasingly become a generic Surrey publication and the advertising makes Surrey Live virtually unreadable!

For those who want to see The Dragon continue its important role as a place where Guildford issues can be debated, I would suggest it is not enough to read it yourself, but please recommend it to friends and work colleagues – and you could even try and persuade younger family members to dip in.

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Responses to Letter: Only The Dragon Focuses on Guildford

  1. Daniel Hill Reply

    August 8, 2023 at 4:47 pm

    I agree 100 per cent.

  2. Olly Azad Reply

    August 9, 2023 at 2:03 pm

    I too agree> I’m glad that Brian Creese has highlighted The Guildford Dragon NEWS in this way. For someone who does not live directly inside Guildford, although not too far away, I have found the “The Dragon” to be a useful news service and platform for raising awareness of local issues in Guildford and the surrounding areas.

    I was also introduced to the publication by friends and consequently I regularly take time out to read up what’s been reported and said.

    Yes, I’ll mention it to friends and family who are comfortable enough at using computers etc to engage with the news. However, the good old paper format should never be ruled out as some would still prefer to get their news from looking at newspapers in the traditional way via the front door and into their homes.

    If the younger generation would be made aware of the local situations, which affect them too, then I see no reason why The Guildford Dragon can not reach out to an even bigger audience. After all, this is the tech-savvy generation who have the gadgets in there hands to engage with the news if they really and truly wanted to.

    In the meantime, I am continuing to read on. Thank you.

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