Fringe Box



Letter: Onslow Bridge Repairs Look Good But Further Work Is Required

Published on: 16 Jan, 2014
Updated on: 16 Jan, 2014

emails letterFrom Mary Bedforth

I noticed today (January 15) that the footpath between the railway station and the Friary Centre was being cordoned off in preparation for the renovation of the parapet of the bridge.

I should also say that the work done on the opposite parapet seems to be of a good standard and, although it was long overdue, it is a great improvement to the street scene.

Onslow Bridge renovation included the repainting of the Onslow Arms with its motto ...

Onslow Bridge renovation included the repainting of the Onslow Arms with its motto Festina lente or “make haste slowly” (usually rendered in English as “more haste, less speed”) – Source Wikipedia

Perhaps the authorities could also note that the Town Bridge needs doing up and also the metal footbridge over the river near the rowing club, which is in fact rusting at the base of the railings.

Another eyesore is the damage to the corner (is it a frieze or a cornice?) of the Rodboro Buildings (grade II listed, I believe) and the disintegrating terracotta paving outside, where the downpipes discharge.

We understand that the Town Bridge is included in the same schedule of work that covers Onslow Bridge. Ed

Where the traffic lights are situated, there has also been a bit of a botch job on the paving.   All minor points and not expensive to put into practice but a better impression of Guildford would be given to visitors arriving via Portsmouth Road and Farnham Road.

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