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Letter: Opinion Piece Represents My View

Published on: 21 Aug, 2018
Updated on: 21 Aug, 2018

From Mary Adkins

Your opinion piece When a Fish Starts to Rot… about Council Leader Paul Spooner’s tweets lambasting his own planning enforcement team expresses articulately my own reaction.

Exactly what prompted Cllr Spooner to accuse his officers of forgetting they serve existing residents as well as developers? He appears to have been shocked to discover this state of affairs on the August 8. His reaction? “This MUST change PDQ. Priority!”

If the tweet responded to a specific situation where the council acknowledges residents have complained justifiably about poor planning enforcement, why no reference to that situation in the tweet?

It seems strange that Cllr James Walsh was unaware of a case or cases where planning enforcement was failing in its duty to such an extent that change is a priority “PDQ”.

As is stated in the article, something must have gone badly wrong to justify such a passionate outburst close to bedtime on a Wednesday evening. We residents and council tax payers of Guildford need to know what. PDQ. Priority!

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