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Letter: Petrol Down, Rail Fares Up – Not A Good Mix

Published on: 3 Jan, 2015
Updated on: 3 Jan, 2015

From Bernard Parke

emails letterThe falling price of petrol linked to the rise in rail fares will only encourage more traffic on our heavily congested roads.

This in turn will not only add to the problem of complete gridlock but it will help to increase CO2 emissions.

Surely rail travel should be encouraged and not discouraged?

This lack of thought will not help our problems here in Guildford, especially when it is coupled to the proposed development programmes.

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Responses to Letter: Petrol Down, Rail Fares Up – Not A Good Mix

  1. Calum Shaw Reply

    January 3, 2015 at 11:08 pm

    Petrol prices and train fares are just two of many factors which can be manipulated to improve the local environment.

    Others include:
    Parking costs and availability (on-street, town centre car parks, corporate/business driver parking and park and ride sites).

    Safe and pleasant pedestrian and cycle routes (to shops, businesses, schools, colleges, amenities and residential housing).

    High density housing in town to cut down travel and car ownership.

    Good bus services (that run all hours at reasonable intervals).

    In some cases, car capacity (road/parking space) may need to be reduced to allow the development of the right mix. Not popular (yet) in Guildford, but I live in hope that more people will see it that way soon.

    Politicians seem unwilling to make radical changes.

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