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Letter: Please Don’t Disappear Dragon

Published on: 28 Jan, 2023
Updated on: 28 Jan, 2023

From: Jane Hepburn

In response to: The Dragon and Other Local Media Should Be Supported

Regarding Judy Potter’s comment on: “The Dragon is so good at bringing local issues to the fore. It complements other channels of debate – it would be a tremendous loss if it disappeared, are we about to see the demise of the Dragon?🥵

I do so hope not.

With The Surrey Advertiser having pretty much lost its boots on the ground, and local reporters seemingly a rare breed, we need The Dragon’s hands-on approach more than ever to champion the causes we care about so much on a day-to-day basis.

I love the interaction through the comments section and the steam that is often generated over thorny topics.

Maybe one day The Dragon might even get its teeth into the scandal of multiple bike thefts around town? Another big story affecting small people.

Please don’t disappear.

Editor’s response: Rest assured that there is little imminent threat but The Dragon cannot carry on for many years as it is. We are hoping that if our application for charity status is successful it will allow us to raise sufficient funds to employ some additional team members but it will be a real challenge.

And regarding the bike theft story, please watch this space…

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Responses to Letter: Please Don’t Disappear Dragon

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    January 29, 2023 at 8:54 am

    Hear hear, The Dragon is the only news outlet that is totally dedicated to eve nts in the borough, and the only one to hold to account the powers that be.

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