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Letter: Please ‘Resolve the Impasse’ at Empty Aldershot Road Allotments

Published on: 13 Jun, 2023
Updated on: 13 Jun, 2023

Guildford Borough Council said the new plots at the Aldershot Road (Woodside Road) allotments were to be ready in April 2023 but they have not yet been occupied.

From: Mary Lawrence

Further to the Weyside Urban Village project taking up the Bellfields allotments, new plots were provided at the top of Aldershot Road allotment site (Woodside Road) complete with sheds.

But due to problems between Guildford Borough Council and Guildford Allotment Society (GAS), these plots have not yet been allocated.

They have been left empty for so long, the council have had to send in a contractor to weed them.

In this day and age when the waiting list for allotments is huge and the cost of living so high, there are many families who would benefit from these plots.

What is needed to resolve the impasse and for Guildford Borough Council and Guildford Allotment Society to engage in dialogue and sort this matter out?

See “We Stand to Lose This Year’s Crop” Says Allotment Tenants as New Plots Not Ready (February 2023)

Editors note: The Dragon has contacted Guildford Borough Council and the Guildford Allotment Society for comment.

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