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Letter: The Pop Up Village Needs Better Signposting

Published on: 12 Jan, 2017
Updated on: 12 Jan, 2017

The retail units are made from shipping containers

From Dave Middleton

It is so sad that the Pop Up Village project appears to be failing.

It did seem a bit rushed to get it open in time for the Christmas season. Maybe in hindsight this was a mistake?

I have to say, that its location does seem to be a town secret. It certainly needs to be better promoted and signposted from the High Street and North Street. A casual visitor to the town is just not going to find it.

Even people arriving by bus are unlikely to spot the pop up village, as it is screened from the view of bus passengers at the bus station by the bus stop shelters on Commercial Road. Likewise, to drivers and even pedestrians on Woodbridge Road, it looks like just another construction site, fenced off with high wooden fencing and steel gates.

I appreciate that the fencing and steel gates help with security, but maybe the removal of the wooden fencing might make it more open and inviting to passers by?

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Responses to Letter: The Pop Up Village Needs Better Signposting

  1. David Pillinger Reply

    January 12, 2017 at 5:32 pm

    Had I not read about the Pop Up Village in The Dragon, I would never have been aware of it. I agree that the signposting was poor.

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