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Letter: How It Is Possible To Retain Subway

Published on: 16 Jan, 2015
Updated on: 16 Jan, 2015

From Bibhas Neogi

Good news that work on the new crossing next to the subway will not start until the improvement to four arms of the York Road and Stoke Road junction is completed.

As I have said before, it is however not necessary to close the subway if minor modifications are made to the layout of the area here.

The new crossing could be moved eastwards enough (I think about 2.5m as I cannot be accurate enough not having access to detailed drawings) to make room for steps down to the subway.

The subway should be extended southwards to go under the entry lane to Waitrose and new steps accommodated in the wider pathway out of the store by shifting the whole entrance/exit area by about 3.5 to 4m westwards.

The sketch I enclose shows how it is possible.

I believe this would only require removal of three to at best five parking bays.

Bibhas Neogi's sketch showing his proposed idea of retaining a subway under York Road near the new Waitrose development.

Bibhas Neogi’s sketch showing his proposed idea of retaining a subway under York Road near the new Waitrose development.

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Responses to Letter: How It Is Possible To Retain Subway

  1. Terry Stevenson Reply

    January 20, 2015 at 10:10 am

    And the provision for those in wheelchairs and those with buggies (like the parents of school children with younger offspring)?

    Perhaps they can ‘bump’ up and down the steps? If you’re going to have subways, at least make them accessible.

    • Bibhas Neogi Reply

      January 21, 2015 at 9:41 am

      You have misunderstood my suggestions Terry Stevenson. I am advocating keeping the subway (altered with steps only) in conjunction with the new crossing. Please read my comments under the following posts: –

      “Parents Promise To Show How Awful Crossing Near School Will Be As Developers Move To Fill In Subway”

      “More Than 120 Parents and Children Take Part In Pedestrian Crossing Protest”

      “Waitrose Developers Agrees To Improve Crossing Before Closing Subway”

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