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Letter: Proposal Would Have a Major Impact on Adult Learning

Published on: 5 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 5 Aug, 2023

The Adult Learning Centre, Sydenham Road

From: Sarah Brandon

In response to: SCC Considering Adult Learning Centre for Children’s Services

It would be sad day if the community loses this resource. If SCC Children’s Services moves into the Guildford Adult Learning Centre it would have to mean ousting courses from their current locations.

To say this wouldn’t affect or change the delivery of Adult Learning services is unbelievable. Of course it would have a major impact on Adult Learning Services!

Also, the idea presented by one commentator that the Adult Learning Centre could be moved into a new facility is not even a realistic proposition. Once this resource is taken away from Guildford sadly it will be gone forever.

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Responses to Letter: Proposal Would Have a Major Impact on Adult Learning

  1. Olly Azad Reply

    August 6, 2023 at 5:08 pm

    I am inclined to agree with Sarah Brandon, often local authorities think only they seem to have all the answers.

    Common sense would dictate that if you shove one department on top of another, as would be the case with the Children’s Services moving in with the Adult Learning Services in the same building, it would lead to overcrowding and a lot of unnecessary red tape, I’d imagine. Then there are is the issue of parking to consider, paramount in a place like Guildford.

    I hope that Surrey County Council rethink this idea before going on to implementing it. Perhaps they could speak to the likes of Ms Brandon directly if they haven’t done so already? Or may I suggest the council tries its hand at going in and out of either of the buildings to grasp a much better viewpoint of the situation.

    This is only a suggestion although I’d like to think that it’s been done already? Let’s hope so.

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