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Letter: Refusal of Cathedral Housing Development Proposal Is To Be Welcomed

Published on: 31 May, 2024
Updated on: 31 May, 2024

Guildford Cathedral on Stag Hill

From: Alistair Smith

chair of The Guildford Society

In response to: Rejection of Second Planning Proposal Leaves ‘Financial Challenges’ for Guildford Cathedral

The refusal of the Guildford Cathedral Stag Hill scheme is to be welcomed. The planning inspector’s report makes several telling points on the scheme; some of these points may also apply to other sites in Guildford.

The inspector noted that “GBC have a forward supply of deliverable housing sites of 6.29 years, well in excess of the five years demanded in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Local Plan policy made a provision of at least 10,678 homes to 2034. The LPSS identifies that a potential of 14,602 homes exists over the plan period.”

This highlights that it is not necessary to accept the current trend for high and massive developments. We seem to be accepting a path of quantity not quality for schemes in the borough.

It is time policies are introduced, even in draft, to manage development more effectively.

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Responses to Letter: Refusal of Cathedral Housing Development Proposal Is To Be Welcomed

  1. Ben Paton Reply

    May 31, 2024 at 7:45 pm

    These are good, evidenced points.

    Many of us having been pointing out for years that the Housing Target that the GBC adopted in its 2019 Local Plan is grossly exaggerated.

    This target was based on ONS [Office of National Statistics] demographic projections that are just wrong. The council has been on notice of this for a decade.

    Sadly, the council specialises in turning the deaf ear to anyone who troubles to point out the facts.

    What a shame that the Guildford Society has done so little to date to ensure that the council complies with the NPPF [National Planning Policy Framework], adopts genuinely sustainable policies and protects the green belt.

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