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Letter: Residents Group Should Check Whether Petrol Contamination Has Been Properly Reported

Published on: 6 Sep, 2024
Updated on: 6 Sep, 2024

The Asda Petrol Station in Bramley

From Clive Martin

In response to: Residents Frustrated over Poor Progress on Petrol Leak Recovery – MP to Meet Asda Boss

I sent the view below to the BRAG [Bramley Residents Action Group] team on August 31 mainly because, as far as I can see, this disaster has never been properly reported to the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) as is required under the RIDDOR [Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations] 2013 Regulations.

As it has never been reported the HSE, a proper investigation has never been done to establish the facts, and it is now probably too late for that to be done.

I think you will find that the HSE will consider that the unreported ingress of petrol in unknown quantities into the water system, and subsequent months of contamination of the water supply to 618? properties, constitutes a Dangerous Occurrence under RIDDOR 2013 (SI 1471).

Schedule 2 to RIDDOR gives examples of what constitutes a Dangerous Occurrence and, in particular, Section 21 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 deals with Pipelines or Pipeline works where there is a) damage caused by accident or uncontrolled release from or inrush of anything into a pipeline and b) failure of any pipeline isolation device, associated equipment or system or c) the failure of equipment involved with pipeline works which could cause personal injury to any person or which results in the pipeline being shut down for more than 24 hours.

In addition, Section 26 of Part 2 of Schedule 2 deals with Dangerous Occurrences caused by the unintentional and uncontrolled release of flammable liquids and gases. Both of these Sections seem to be particularly apposite in relation to the Bramley incident.

Great interview with you both [Helen Melia BRAG and Gill Longdon, Bramley Business Network] and the reporter from The Guildford Dragon by the way.

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