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Letter: Risk Assessment Required Work To Be Done to Reduce Fire Risk

Published on: 25 Feb, 2024
Updated on: 24 Feb, 2024

From: Name and email address provided

in response to: Two-thirds of London Road Cycle Scheme Deferred or Cancelled

The most recent Fire Risk Assessment for Wodehouse Place completed on January 5, 2023 considered that the risk to life from fire at these premises was “Moderate” and that it is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk.

The Fire Risk Assessment identified a number of remedial works to be completed and a review of the Fire Risk Assessment be completed by  January 4, 2024.

Was this done as per the recommendation or did Guildford Council dismiss the staff overseeing this and other identical works at about 120 blocks without a plan to resolve these moderate risks to life.

Editor’s comment: Council leader Julia McShane said earlier this week: “I want to reassure Wodehouse Place residents that their building has been inspected and it has been certified as safe.


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