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Letter: Road Accidents Highlight Need For Improved Infrastructure

Published on: 21 Aug, 2015
Updated on: 21 Aug, 2015


From Bernard Parke

Hon Alderman and former mayor
I understand that to-day, for the second day in succession, there occurred a major accident on the heavily used A3, this time near Guildford Cathedral, in an area which has become rather an accident black spot.
This was the third road accident locally, one a sad fatality, in the last week.
Our  central roads, which most days have to deal with heavy through traffic, were put under even more strain as traffic was diverted.
Before any possible further development is even considered in our borough the infrastructure issues must be addressed first.
I am sure that I am not alone in this wish and can only hope that our planners have this in mind.

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Responses to Letter: Road Accidents Highlight Need For Improved Infrastructure

  1. Brian Holt Reply

    August 21, 2015 at 8:05 pm

    Too many drivers come straight out of joining slips roads without stopping or filtering in. Large give way signs are needed to remind drivers to do just that.

  2. Harry Eve Reply

    August 21, 2015 at 8:49 pm

    Presumably traffic will be applied as a constraint on the housing number as Local Plans are required to do – if my understanding is correct.

  3. Fiona White Reply

    August 21, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    The last government set aside £10 million to improve road safety on the A3 going through Guildford. I had a meeting with a representative of Highways England to talk about the problems and what they would look at doing. At that time, I was told they were investigating the options and would come forward with some proposals for consultation this Autumn.

    The trouble is that £10 million is not going to do much more than tinker with the problems and there is little space to make major changes to the A3 as it runs through Guildford.

    Brian Holt is right that a lot of people don’t filter in properly and that can cause problems. Equally, at busy times, it is difficult to filter into a road where traffic is already nose to tail and there is no way that drivers can change lanes to make space.

    One of the main problems is that any incident on the A3, even a broken down vehicle, causes such tailbacks that local roads get blocked and much of Guildford comes to a standstill.

    Fiona White is the county councillor for Guildford West.

    • C Stevens Reply

      August 22, 2015 at 11:07 am

      Cllr White is right, of course, when she says:

      “Equally, at busy times, it is difficult to filter into a road where traffic is already nose to tail and there is no way that drivers can change lanes to make space.”

      But drivers don’t have to change lanes to make space. All they have to do is slow and leave enough space in front for one of the cars waiting to filter in so that the joining and the joined lanes come together like a zip fastener.

      All it takes is a little common sense and goodwill.

  4. Jim Allen Reply

    August 21, 2015 at 11:21 pm

    It okay GBC planners have it all in hand but are refusing to tell us about it.

    They acknowledge, as the result of an Freedom of Information request they have plans, but refuse to display them.

    I wonder why?

  5. Andrew Birt Reply

    August 22, 2015 at 10:30 am

    The A3’s 50mph limit around the Wooden Bridge/Egerton Road area needs better enforcement. Slower traffic would give traffic joining the road a better chance to ‘mingle’ when joining with the main flow. Currently the poor visibility and differing traffic speeds make this interchange more dangerous than necessary.

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