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Letter: SCC Should Consult Parish Councils Before Closing Roads

Published on: 29 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 29 Aug, 2023

From: Colin Cross

R4GV county councillor for The Horsleys

In response to: East Horsley Blighted by Road Closures

The lack of consideration and concern for local traders is a real problem when it comes to Surrey County Council decisions on roadworks in our villages.

The additional works that utility companies then also impose can then combine to create chaotic situations.

Sadly East and West Horsley have a serious problem with an overload of new developments.
Why? Because SCC chose to largely ignore all warnings when they decided that the risk to rural areas through such developments was overstated and a risk worth taking.

In future, perhaps they should involve parish councils when making these decisions.

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Responses to Letter: SCC Should Consult Parish Councils Before Closing Roads

  1. Keith Francis Reply

    August 29, 2023 at 6:34 pm

    Yes, but, before approval was given for the small Taylor Wimpey Ada Gardens development, in the centre of East Horsley village, the residents and GBC insisted that there be social housing on the site, to the exclusion of private purchasers, which is what the two-bedroomed apartments are.

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