Fringe Box



Letter: Should we be Twinned with Guildford Australia?

Published on: 7 Sep, 2022
Updated on: 7 Sep, 2022

On the right, Guildford High Street, on the left Woodbridge House, Guildford Western Australia.

From: Keith Dean

In response to: A One-Year-Old Dragon (2013 article)

Just wondering if our Guildford is going to twin with the Guildford, in Australia. I have relatives over there and they have asked me.

We forwarded Keith Dean’s comment to Barbara Ford chair of the Guildford Twinning Association (GTA).

She replied:

It’s an appealing thought, and not the first time the question has come up, as there is indeed a historical link. That is, assuming Mr Dean is referring to the Western Australian Guildford (there are others in Australia) which was founded by Captain Sir James Stirling – who was both married and then, 42 years later buried, at St Joseph’s Church, in Stoke Road. 

There is no reason why a town should not have more than one twin – our own twin town Freiburg im Breisgau has 12, for example – but the important and more difficult part is to maintain and deepen each twinning. I know from my own experience as chair of Guildford Twinning Association that it takes a great deal of effort by a number of people in both twins, both volunteers and council officers, to make a twinning meaningful and to keep it so. 

If Mr Dean, or indeed anyone, can muster a decent number of enthusiasts in both Guildfords, that would be a start. He would need to bear in mind the additional challenges posed, in the case of UK/Australia twins, to exchange visits (the essence of twinning) by the great distance and the time difference.

I personally would be very happy to talk to him about it. And he might find it interesting to look at our website at: guildford to see the kind of thing we at the Guildford Twinning Association do (and to find my contact details).”

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Responses to Letter: Should we be Twinned with Guildford Australia?

  1. Alan Wyle Reply

    September 7, 2022 at 8:10 pm

    I already receive updates from Guildford, Western Australia and I have a contact in Perth.

  2. David Roberts Reply

    September 8, 2022 at 9:31 pm

    One condition: no expensive jollies across the world for serving councillors or council staff.

    The infamous visit to “partner” Dongying (China) by Tory Cllrs Paul Spooner and Matt Furniss shortly before they lost the leadership of Guildford Borough Council brought zero benefit to the borough. Its promotion by Surrey University head Prof Max Lu remains somewhat mysterious.

    Around the same time, a preposterous twinning proposal with Versailles (France) fortunately never got off the ground.

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