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Letter: I Still Think VC Plaques Should Be Moved

Published on: 12 Jul, 2017
Updated on: 12 Jul, 2017

One of the VC plaques in Tunsgate at its unveiling ceremony.

From Bob McShee

Conservative borough councillor for Worplesdon

I was interested to read the article: Council To Install £50k War Memorial To Commemorate Fallen Post-WWII regarding the new war memorial and the mention made of my comment back in 2015, about re-siting the two VC stone plaques.

I still think that the current location on brick piers at Tunsgate is inappropriate. They are above eye level and, being grey, are difficult to read. It is made more difficult because of the position of the flower stall.

When I visit war memorials in Europe such plaques are always positioned so that they are easy to read.

Another good reason to reposition the plaques is that the two VCs can be honoured and respected along with all the names on the borough’s war memorial, especially on Armistice Day.

As the council is budgeting on spending £50,000 then surely the re-positioning of the plaques could be included in the budget, then our VCs can be remembered in a prominent position in the Castle Grounds.

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Responses to Letter: I Still Think VC Plaques Should Be Moved

  1. Jeff Bott Reply

    July 13, 2017 at 11:28 am

    I believe the plaques are in an ideal location and I often see people take note of them as they pass.

    They are currently in a sheltered dry space which means they will not face weathering and damage from the elements.

    Moving them will have costs and also significantly shorten the life span, meaning our grandchildren will have to pay for replacements in the coming years.

    Being slightly above eye level means the plaques stand out and also avoid the scrapes / damage and sadly potential graffiti of modern-day life. The flower stall provides a idyllic peaceful setting in the heart of the town.

    Long may they remain.

  2. Jan Messinger Reply

    July 13, 2017 at 6:49 pm

    I totally agree with Cllr McShee that these plaques cannot be viewed where they are positioned.

    A more in-keeping memorial would be to move them to the Castle Grounds to be with our other memorials.

    The Castle Grounds is such a beautiful place all year round for people to pay their respects.

  3. Bernard Parke Reply

    July 13, 2017 at 7:48 pm

    Cllr McShee’s comments will no doubt fall on stony ground.

    His comments are worthy of note for these memorials placed in Tunsgate are difficult to read and many people just pass by and are not aware of them at all.

    Hardly a fitting tribute to those gallant men who fought for peace not only in their time but for our future.

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