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Letter: Stop Cutting Back in the Bird Nesting Season

Published on: 15 Apr, 2023
Updated on: 15 Apr, 2023

Hog’s Back verge east of the Hog’s Back Hotel Google Maps (not taken recently).

From: John Sparey

My concern is the cutting down of the vegetation on the A31 between the Hog’s Back Hotel and the turn-off for Guildford.

This is the time when birds are nesting they must be destroying hundreds of nests which, in turn, will kill hundreds of birds from hatching. There is the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 [the primary legislation which protects animals, plants and habitats in the UK] which states it is against the law to destroy nesting sites.

Whoever authorised this cutting back and the killing of wildlife should be brought to task.

Please can others put some pressure on someone to stop this wanton destruction.

Editor’s comment: Surrey County County has been invited to respond.

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Responses to Letter: Stop Cutting Back in the Bird Nesting Season

  1. John Lomas Reply

    April 15, 2023 at 7:14 pm

    Where I am living now there was, last summer, a large tree with all the “coppice” type twigs growing up the side of the trunk. Unfortunately it was right next to a multi route bus stop.

    On the pavement side, you could barely see past it to see if there was a bus coming and when the buses finally emerged into view on the road it was too late to spot the route number and wave the bus down.

    The result was very unhappy drivers when potential passengers waved down every bus in order to find out which one it was.

    The relevant person at the council; just would not believe us when we told them that birds don’t nest in that side growth so it was safe to remove it.

  2. Jules Cranwell Reply

    April 17, 2023 at 6:15 am

    It is not only tree cutting that threatens our wildlife. The massive building programme made possible by the discredited Tory local plan is also guilty.

    Take the Manor Farm development in West Horsley (previously green belt protected). Apart from the wholesale destruction of habitats, much of it during nesting season, what about the introduction of those highly effective predators, domestic cats?

    Cat ownership averages 28 per cent of households in England. This means there will be around 30 to 40 cats introduced into the 139 homes in Manor Wood. Horsley Meadows is within three metres of the estate and is a haven for the skylark. This population is likely to be destroyed, as they are ground nesting and have no protection from such predators.

    Never again will we be able to enjoy the haunting song of the skylark on morning walks. How utterly sad!

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