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Letter: Street Food Picnic Was A Great Success

Published on: 5 Aug, 2015
Updated on: 5 Aug, 2015

Street food 1From Tony Rooth

Conservative borough councillor for Pilgrims ward and lead councillor for housing and social welfare

Guildford held its first ever “Street Food Picnic” on Saturday. It was great to see several thousand local people visit Allen House Gardens (off Chertsey Street ) – friends and families wanting to try street food .

Street food 3There were freshly made dishes from Mexico, Indonesia, Italy , India , Spain, Persia and elsewhere- tasty paella, pizzas, burritos, lasagne , curry and many more.

Then many folks , especially parents and children, went up to the bowling green to picnic and have a drink and dessert – including ice cream, crepes and brownies.

So successful was it that many stall holders ran out of food to serve and had to restock – they did not expect so many visitors .

Street food 2The sunny weather helped but all credit to organisers , Street Food Picnic for bringing a great event to Guildford – hopefully the first of many more to come.

Your borough council, who provided the site and facilities, can work with organisers , stall holders and residents to make the next food picnic even better.

Street food 4However, it showed me (who helped direct newcomers) that many did not know what Allen House Gardens offer. Guildford has many lovely parks and gardens – readers should look on or call Parks & Leisure Services on 01483 444718 or drop into the Tourist Information Centre on the High Street .

If nothing else, view the Castle Gardens for a fantastic flower display courtesy of our [award winning] parks team.

See also: Green Flag Awards For Seven Of Guildford’s Open Spaces

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Responses to Letter: Street Food Picnic Was A Great Success

  1. Caroline Reeves Reply

    August 5, 2015 at 1:40 pm

    I agree! It was a huge success, I saw many town centre families enjoying the chance to sit, chat, eat and drink while children could play safely – and even do yoga! And for some visitors it was their first chance to see this part of town, just a short stroll from the High Street and the market in North Street.

    I have been contacted by many residents to say how much they enjoyed it and to ask when the next event will be.

    Caroline Reeves is the Lib Dem borough councillor for Friary & St Nicolas

  2. Jim Allen Reply

    August 5, 2015 at 4:09 pm

    Sounds like it was fun. Great shame the publicity didn’t stretch out to the full borough so we could all enjoy it.

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