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Letter: ‘Surprise’ Over Appalling North Street Submission Is An Understatement

Published on: 27 Nov, 2019
Updated on: 27 Nov, 2019

The North Street site.

From: Gordon Bridger

Hon alderman and former Mayor of Guildford

In response to: Shock North Street Developer’s Scheme Catches Councillors By Surprise

To express “surprise” at this appalling proposal is an understatement. Perhaps “stunned by this nightmare vision of a Woking scenario” would be more fitting.

As a result of incompetent planning, the town centre was left out of what was called a “development plan”, but we had reassurances there would be proper consultation.

Suddenly, we are told developers have put forward a proposal with 15-storey buildings for “scoping”, whatever that means.

No doubt the applicants would have assumed eventual approval, so when they put it to our Planning Committee, who should certainly reject it, the applicants will appeal, believing they have the support of an “objective” evaluation.

It is almost beyond belief that our Planning Department would have participated in this submission. If they did, was this with councillor approval?

If so, it would be far worse than the still-unexplained “SCC letter of support” for the Wisley Garden Village bid.

Could councillors please enlighten me and the other concerned taxpayers of Guildford what involvement our Planning Department had with this submission, when and why? Why were councillors unaware? Who is responsible for this serious lapse and what are the implications?

This could be even worse than the widely detested Solum project, granted permission on appeal, for the redevelopment of Guildford Station. North Street is in the very heart of our town.

There is something deeply wrong with our planning system and our Planning Department.

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Responses to Letter: ‘Surprise’ Over Appalling North Street Submission Is An Understatement

  1. Julian Cranwell Reply

    November 27, 2019 at 1:27 pm

    Good luck to Gordon Bridger.

    Thus far, this new Lib Dem leadership had miserably failed to live up to its promises of improved openness and transparency. I don’t expect this to be an exception. They are no better than the deposed Tories, in this regard, and perhaps even worse.

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