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Letter: Thames Water Should Give More Precise Information

Published on: 7 Nov, 2023
Updated on: 7 Nov, 2023

From: M Durant

In response to: Council Leader Has Serious Questions for Thames Water

Thames Water should have given exact postcode of areas affected not just say “GU1” etc. By doing this they have created water panic buying also in areas not affected.

I am in one of the areas supposedly affected but luckily I still have water ,so I am not – but there was little water left in my local supermarket.

I find it strange that a water treatment company is not able to deal with a lot of rain. That’s what they are there for.

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Responses to Letter: Thames Water Should Give More Precise Information

  1. Adam Aaronson Reply

    November 7, 2023 at 8:59 am

    The bottled water stations should have been open 24 hours for people who came home after work and found they had no water.

    We had water in the morning so thought we were not affected, but only became aware that we had no water after the stations had closed.

    Contrary to the statement here: that there is a station at Clay Lane, the latest update yesterday and this morning here: did not mention this.

    I tried the TW chat online to find out more, but it was useless.

    I expect that many more people were affected than TW will admit.

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