Fringe Box



Letter: Thank You Guildford Dragon

Published on: 26 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 26 Jul, 2023
From: Anna Windebank
Hello Guildford Dragon,
I just wanted to write you a little fan email!
I have had you as a ‘go-to’ tab on my laptop for some years and so appreciate the instant updates on all the news local to my area.
It’s always interesting, with articles not too short (or long), with a very readable layout and I have found out lots of things of concern and/or interest that I wouldn’t have found out otherwise.
So, thank you and please keep up the splendid work.  It’s much enjoyed and appreciated.
Editor’s response: And thank you Anna for taking the trouble to write in. I am afraid the future of The Dragon is very uncertain but we will do our best to keep it going reporting to and informing the residents of Guildford Borough as best we can.

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