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Letter: Thank You – The Voters in Holy Trinity Ward

Published on: 18 May, 2015
Updated on: 18 May, 2015
Cllr Dennis Paul

Cllr Dennis Paul

From Dennis Paul

Dennis Paul is a newly elected Conservative borough councillor for Holy Trinity ward.

My colleagues, Nils Christiansen, Geoff Davis and I would like to thank the electors of Holy Trinity Ward for their trust and support in electing us councillors, on May 7th, to Guildford Borough Council.  We are tremendously proud and privileged to be serving everyone in the ward, regardless of political affiliation.

There are many challenges ahead, and as new councillors we hope we can build upon our predecessors achievements with renewed vitality and involvement in the local community.

Holy Trinity has a special place in the history of our borough, holding many of the iconic buildings that characterise the centre of Guildford that we all cherish and wish to preserve.  Since its inception in 1899 when the town split into four wards, Holy Trinity has produced many fine and distinguished councillors and aldermen.

As we assembled in the Guildhall for the making of our new Mayor last Wednesday, I tried to imagine how those councillors who have served the ward must have felt upon taking office, over the decades, with their hopes and ambitions for the town.  Through their past efforts and success, I’m sure many of their descendants in the ward can reflect, with pride, on their achievements.

Myself, Nils and Geoff look forward to navigate and embrace the challenges ahead of us, grounded in the weight of history, and hope in some small way we can repay the faith placed in us by residents of Holy Trinity – the jewel in Guildford’s crown.

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