Fringe Box



Letter: Thanks for Guildford City Match Reports

Published on: 29 Aug, 2023
Updated on: 29 Aug, 2023

From: Brian Holt

In response to: City Exit Third Cup Competition

Thank you, Dragon NEWS for the Guildford City match reports.

Now local papers are so expensive at £2.40, The Dragon will let the local community and supporters living further afield keep up to date with the club.

Also, by including the results and coming fixture, along with the league table, everyone can now be well informed. It’s hard to ever see the league table except in the club’s programme.

I must add how excellent the match reports by Barry Underwood are.

Editor’s response. Many thanks for the appreciation. We will do our best to keep this up but writing and editing resources continues to be a challenge. And yes, Barry Underwood’s reports deserve praise.

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Responses to Letter: Thanks for Guildford City Match Reports

  1. Olly Azad Reply

    August 29, 2023 at 5:47 pm

    Can I also thank the Dragon NEWS as up until now I knew very little about Guildford City Football Club.

    I am acquainted with Woking FC and Aldershot Town FC to some extent, but far less than an avid supporter. However, it would be interesting to watch how GCFC is performing as the reports, fixtures and results are published.

    Best of luck to City for the upcoming matches this season and good luck to the other local clubs too.

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