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Letter: The Guildford Society Agrees With Gavin Morgan

Published on: 25 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 25 Jul, 2015

Guildford_High_Street_(c.1828) Charles Deane 1200From Gillian Cameron

Secretary of the Guildford Society

The Guildford Society is in full agreement with points made by Gavin Morgan [in his opinion piece: Guildford Has a Great Heritage and Deserves a Decent Museum – now with further comments].

The plight of the Surrey Archaeological Society was already on the agenda for our next committee meeting.

We will willingly discuss ideas with Gavin and other interested parties.

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Responses to Letter: The Guildford Society Agrees With Gavin Morgan

  1. Mary Alexander Reply

    July 31, 2015 at 10:46 am

    The obvious forum for discussing the future of Guildford Museum already exists in the form of the Friends of Guildford Museum.

    The Museum management has done its best in the past to prevent them taking any initiatives, but perhaps under the new chair, former councillor Jen Powell, they will defend the museum. Mrs Powell has been a good friend to the museum in the past.

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