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Letter: The Importance of Effective Health Checks

Published on: 15 Nov, 2022
Updated on: 15 Nov, 2022

From: Paul Robinson

In response to: Lib Dems Come Up With Proposals to Reduce GP Appointment Waiting Times

I have prostate cancer but it wasn’t identified by my GP. It was detected after a health check through my employers benefits package.

I never displayed any symptoms but I contacted my GP practice to request a precautionary PSA [Prostate-Specific Antigen] test and this resulted in a phone call with my GP (pre-covid) and basically she talked me out of having a test by saying how it can generate false positives.

A couple of years later I had a health check which identified a high PSA count. I passed the info on to my GP who ordered another test and once that confirmed the PSA level was high I was placed on the two-week Surrey cancer pathway and within those two weeks I had had an MRI and a biopsy that confirmed the cancer.

I was then treated within weeks and 18 months later I am in recovery. I have no complaints about my care once the diagnosis was confirmed, the Stokes Centre staff at the RSCH were excellent.

To reduce the number of false positives when booking a PSA test, once you have got your GP the agree, perhaps they should tell you that for at least two days prior to you giving a blood sample refrain from any activities that will stimulate the Prostate, such as sex and cycling.

It also should be noted once you are over 50 you have a right to a PSA test.

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