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Letter: The Only Thing Undecided is Whether Labour Will Gain a Majority

Published on: 24 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 24 Jul, 2023

Zoe Franklin and Angela Richardson MP

From: Brian Creese

Former chair of Guildford Labour

In response to: ‘We Have the Wind in Our Sails’ Say Lib Dems But MP Says They’ve Put Guildford in the Doldrums

The recent spate of by-elections has given something for every political party. If we assume Guildford will follow Frome, then we get a Liberal MP next time, but if we think Guildford is more like Selby, Labour wins for the first time in Guildford.

However, if Guildford reacts like Uxbridge the Tories cling on with Labour pushing the Lib Dems into a distant third place (or lower).

Essentially you can choose your preferred outcome and use any of the byelections to support it.

My take is that however you look at it, the Tories are now finished – even the much trumpeted Uxbridge result would see Labour as the largest party – and the only thing left undecided is whether Labour will gain an overall majority.

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