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Letter: The Plan to Sell Off Castle Street Assets Was Started By the Conservatives

Published on: 23 Mar, 2024
Updated on: 23 Mar, 2024

One of the GBC properties to be auctioned, the Olivo restaurant.

From: Gavin Morgan

In response to: Guildford Council Set to Auction Properties to Help Balance the Books

I find Cllr Brooker’s claim that the Conservative Group “are against the principle of selling off assets” rather misleading. Admittedly he is talking in the context of using the sale, as he says, to “pay for the failed policies of the current Lib Dem led council”.

However, I think it is relevant to point out that the plan to sell these Castle Street properties was started by the Conservative led borough council elected way back in 2015. I remember councillors talking to me about it in about 2016.

Cllr Brooker then mentions a secret list of 70 assets being sold that “residents will only learn of … when decisions have been taken”.

If the Conservative group knows of this list and opposes it why can’t they do the public a service and share it? Surely they can get hold of it. Isn’t this is just the thing the Freedom of Information Act is for? I presume most assets on the list are of no interest to most of us but if there are valued buildings then the public ought to know.

I should point out that I have no allegiance to any political party but am interested in truth and openness.

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