Fringe Box



Letter: The ‘Y’ Option is Flawed

Published on: 26 Dec, 2022
Updated on: 25 Dec, 2022

From: Bibhas Neogi

In response to: The Biggest Changes For Our Town in Two Centuries Need Popular Support

Would GBC publish the report of the work done for the proposal to divert the A281 traffic through the A248 Broadford Road?

Apart from the narrow bridge over river Wey and the somewhat narrower part of the road before it meets the A3100 at the roundabout, it seems illogical to merge two busy roads and continue as a single carriageway towards Guildford.

This road is also narrower in some places and far from ideal. New developments of housing on this stretch would add to the turning movements and cause further restrictions.

It would be useful to know the logic behind the analyses that supported such a recommendation. The question comes to mind concerning the origin of this idea. If the idea came from traffic consultants engaged by the council, are they independent or are they promoting the interests of some other parties who might stand to gain from such a proposal?

The “Y Option” is flawed in that there is no route for traffic to the A281 Shalford Road and the High Street unless the Town Bridge is reopened.

It says the A281 would only have buses. Its capacity would be well below that the gyratory now copes with. The number of traffic phases at the junctions on either side of Friary Bridge would cause queues and would create the possibility of tailbacks and gridlock.

The riverside would remain separated by the Friary Bridge, Onslow Street and Millbrook just as it is now – so no visible gain at all.

I cannot see the point of it all.

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Responses to Letter: The ‘Y’ Option is Flawed

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    December 26, 2022 at 8:52 am

    Well they don’t have popular support, so should be dropped. Better the current mess than a worse mess.

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