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Letter: There Is Absolute Logic in Our Approach to the Local Plan Review

Published on: 4 Aug, 2021
Updated on: 4 Aug, 2021

From: John Rigg

Lead councillor for Regeneration and a R4GV borough councillor for Holy Trinity

In response to: We Are Taking Action to Review the Local Plan

Mr Roberts l fear may be confused with his comments. The current council has no legal ability to just cancel or scale back the three strategic sites in the Local Plan no more than we can just decide someone’s home should no longer be used as their home.

Once a planning allocation is made or planning consent granted councils don’t have a magic wand to unilaterally say we have decided we don’t like something and take it back especially not “without even waiting to see the revised population evidence”.

Also delivering homes in the town centre is the best way to avoid incursions into green belt and to take the pressure off the villages, although there are so many additional reasons to seek a great and prosperous town centre for our borough.

There is absolute logic in our approach and we will continue to do our best to secure the right outcome for all the community both those in the villages and in the town.

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Responses to Letter: There Is Absolute Logic in Our Approach to the Local Plan Review

  1. David Roberts Reply

    August 5, 2021 at 12:08 pm

    It is Cllr Rigg who is “confused”. The council does have the ability to set a political direction to the Local Plan review, to instruct officers and not be instructed by them. It does have the ability to resist any legal challenge and play for enough time to make urban brownfield sites more attractive to developers than green fields. It does have the ability to give a public lead in defending our villages in line with their manifesto commitments instead of claiming that its hands are tied.

    The absence of even a single word of sympathy with rural residents is a failure of leadership.

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