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Letter: There Is an Alternative Cycle Route for Burpham

Published on: 19 Jul, 2023
Updated on: 19 Jul, 2023

From: Niels Laub

In response to: New Walking and Cycle Routes Might Not Be the Hoped For Panacea

It is interesting to have the fuller picture presented for a change.

The problem with the Active Travel Scheme proposed for London Road in Burpham is that there simply isn’t enough room. In order to incorporate segregated cycle lanes, the carriageways will have to be reduced which will inevitably increase traffic congestion and air pollution in the area.

From the earlier proposals I have seen, the proposals do not comply with the Local Transport Note 1/20 on Cycle Infrastructure Design. They therefore could be argued as being unsafe for both pedestrians and cyclists.

There is an alternative. Why not upgrade the existing footpaths and cycleways that already run at the back of Weylea Farm and through the Riverside Park. There is also a potential cycle route beside the railway line which would have the additional benefit of linking with the George Abbot School and the existing underpass.

Upgrading these routes would be very much cheaper, would not interfere with the existing traffic while they are being constructed, and would provide much safer and healthier routes for cyclists well away from the traffic.

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