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Letter: There Was No Indication from Whom the Latest HRA Investigation Report Came

Published on: 19 Feb, 2024
Updated on: 19 Feb, 2024

From: Patrick Oven

leader of the Guildford Greenbelt Group at Guildford Borough Council

In response to: Senior Directors Step Back Following New Report on Fraud & Overspend Investigation

It is very difficult to comment on the latest news on the Housing Revenue Account investigation when so little information is provided. We were simply advised that a report had been received regarding the investigation that “identified a number of serious areas of concern”.

There was no indication from whom the report came, when it was received, or any information about what the areas of concern were. I hope and trust we will be provided with more information in due course.

For my part, I had no knowledge of any development in the investigation prior to the press release on Friday evening. I assume the same is true of other party leaders on GBC.

I was however contacted by Cllr McShane [Lib Dem council leader] on Saturday but she was not able to provide me with any further detail at this stage.

I understand that no personal impropriety is being alleged against Annie Righton or Ian Doyle, who are stepping back simply by virtue of the positions they held in their respective departments.

See also: Labour Leader Calls for GBC Leader to Consider Stepping Aside

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