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Letter: They Keep Building Everywhere

Published on: 8 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 8 Oct, 2024

Green belt protection is a contentious issue

From M Durant

In response to: Reactions to News of GBC Asking for Reconsideration of Doubled Housing Target

They keep building everywhere in the country without adding the infrastructure: more hospitals, more doctors, more schools, more police, more prisons and so on.

In Guildford several areas have experienced water shortages and gas issues (currently in Wood Street Village they have dug trenches on the roads, they keep coming back and not finishing the job it’s been going on all throughout the summer on and off). Do they know what are they looking for?

It’s hard to get an appointment with a doctor or to see a NHS specialist or get basic tests done with the current number of people in the area.

All throughout the summer I have seen extensive antisocial behaviour in different areas of Guildford including the Castle Grounds, Southway and Park Barn. I can’t imagine how bad it will get with fewer police.

I agree with Jim Allen’s, sensible comment.

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