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Letter: This Is a Mess of Scandalous Proportions

Published on: 15 May, 2024
Updated on: 15 May, 2024

Cllr Joss Bigmore

From: Anthony Mallard

In response to: The Majority of People in GBC Have Had Enough of Failure

Cllr Bigmore has provided a post-mortem on the failings, including his own as leader of Guildford Council for two years when it was happening.

Many of the shortcomings have frequently been highlighted in <em>The Guildford Dragon</em> and even illustrated in its cartoons; openness, transparency and many more have been commented upon, yet still they and those of a more serious nature have continued to take place.

However, Cllr Bigmore stops somewhat short on remarking what will happen to prevent a re-occurrence. While many councillors are dedicated to the work they undertake on behalf of their respective wards, is the failing a lack of appropriate skills and experience to undertake their work in the 21st Century? Do councillors rely too much and without question on the advice received from officers?

I don’t have an answer but there must be one. This is a mess of scandalous proportions and residents, surely, have a right to know and see the strategy and action plan that will prevent such a waste of public money and loss of confidence in the council from happening in future.

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