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Letter: This Russian Witch Hunt Is a Distraction – The Real Issue Is the Way the Council is Run

Published on: 26 Jan, 2019
Updated on: 26 Jan, 2019

From Julian Lyon

prospective borough council Independent candidate

Can we please stop arguing over whether Cllr Spooner’s background links with Russia are or are not being used to back developments or, frankly, any other claims, unless well-founded.

The council needs to be properly empowered, transparently, openly, democratically and without constraint or restraint (actual, threatened or perceived), to make decisions based on facts that have been overtly prepared, open to challenge by intelligent people with integrity. This American-style Russian witch hunt distracts from the real issues; it would not matter if every councillor had a proper say in decision-making.

There is no doubt that Cllrs Spooner and Furniss put in a lot of work in their roles as leader and deputy leader. I have little doubt that they mean well and think they are doing the best for us all. But what they think is best for us all is some way distant from what I believe is right. That is politics.

What I believe is right may be quite different from others. That is why open discussion in a properly-functioning democracy is so important.

Just because I think something is right does not make it right. It is up to me to persuasively make my argument without discrimination, to listen to the views of others in both the council and the communities, to allow opportunity for discussion of different views, and to allow elected representatives, unhindered, to reach a conclusion.

I may make comments about issues and about my concerns about the lack of openness, transparency and democracy at the council. I may express the differences of opinion I have with Cllrs Spooner and Furniss. But I will always aim to avoid being drawn into debates of this kind because they detract from the debate around the need for a change in the way the council is run, the way councillors are treated, the way issues are not given the oxygen of free debate and discussion.

I sincerely hope for change on May 2nd – not to more of the same but in different colours, not to a reshuffling of the deckchairs, but to a genuinely more inclusive and productive approach to running the council

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Responses to Letter: This Russian Witch Hunt Is a Distraction – The Real Issue Is the Way the Council is Run

  1. David Roberts Reply

    January 29, 2019 at 11:11 am

    I would point out that “witch hunt” means the persecution of the strong against the weak. I don’t know why Mr Lyon uses this blowsy rhetoric against blameless and powerless residents who have merely asked for a few straight answers to straight questions from our most powerful councillor.

    This is a strange way to generate “the oxygen of free debate and discussion.” Or to win votes, for that matter.

  2. Stephen Mansbridge Reply

    January 29, 2019 at 5:00 pm

    Unfortunately, we have a situation where an MP has made a claim that he cannot substantiate and this claim, is cloaked in parliamentary privilege.

    If the MP believes his source then he should have no problem in making the claim outside of Parliament. He should do this or withdraw, otherwise it is clear that he has made a false claim to support his argument.

    This type of underhand tactic has been used before in different ways and throws attention on to people rather than issues. The issues are the matters that should be discussed and they should not be obfuscated by information from unsubstantiated and illusive sources, real or otherwise.

  3. Alan Robertson Reply

    January 31, 2019 at 5:26 pm

    Sadly, those involved in planning in Guildford have a long track record of making bizarre decisions, shrouded in secrecy, which are more beneficial to developers than to residents. We need wholly Independent councillors, with proven integrity, to prevent further damaging developments.

    • Jules Cranwell Reply

      February 1, 2019 at 1:03 am

      Spot on Mr Robertson.

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