Fringe Box



Letter: Those in Favour of the London Road Scheme Should Email Their Support

Published on: 24 Oct, 2024
Updated on: 24 Oct, 2024

From Mark Stamp

In response to: Objectors Fear SCC Will Give Green Light to London Road Active Travel Redesign

The simple answer to Fiona Davidson’s question about whether HGV drivers may crash into each other is that they understand the width of their vehicle and when they see another large vehicle approaching, they will slow down as most drivers do when facing a potential danger in the road.

Transport is the biggest cause of emissions in Surrey and we should be giving every opportunity to those who want to get out of their cars.

I would counter Terry Newman’s [chair of the London Road Action Group] call and encourage all those in support to email every cabinet member to reflect their view which is probably the majority vote of their voters.

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