Fringe Box



Letter: It’s Time Someone Looked At What The University’s Contribution Really Is

Published on: 13 Jan, 2014
Updated on: 13 Jan, 2014

UoS StagFrom Karen Stevens

Save Hogs Back Campaigner

Mr Melly talks about getting “some facts straight”, but then goes on to say that “the university and its Research Park generated £1.4 billion for the UK economy and supported almost 16,200 jobs”.

I don’t think that the university can give itself credit for the contribution made by businesses on the Research Park, just because they happen to rent its premises.

According to its annual report the university employs 2,500 people and in 2011/2012 achieved a consolidated surplus of £6.8m, nothing like the figures that Mr Melly boasts of. Far from getting facts straight, Mr Melly appears to be bending them.

Nor do I think that Mr Melly can claim that the university should take credit the contribution made by former students to “Surrey’s knowledge-based economy” 30 years after they have left the university.

More disturbing is Mr Melly’s comment, “the big question is not what would the university do if these plans did not progress, but what would the local community do if the university no longer made the contribution that it does”. The phrase echoes JFK’s, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”, but instead of emulating Kennedy’s lofty rhetoric, Mr Melly’s sounds arrogant and a bit threatening.

It’s time someone looked closely at what the university’s contribution really is, and whether it justifies ruining an area of outstanding natural beauty, causing traffic chaos on the west side of Guildford and changing the character of Guildford forever.

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Responses to Letter: It’s Time Someone Looked At What The University’s Contribution Really Is

  1. Mary Bedforth Reply

    January 14, 2014 at 3:27 pm

    Well spoken last night Karen Stevens. I watched on the webcam and fully support what she said as I am sure do many others.

  2. Martin Dowland Reply

    January 16, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    The university needs to rethink rather a lot.

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