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Letter: Too Few Appreciate the Magnitude of County Council Cuts

Published on: 27 Nov, 2018
Updated on: 27 Nov, 2018

From Matthew Smith

In response to: Surrey County Council Cuts Are Unacceptable and Unworkable

I worry that too many of us will not appreciate the magnitude of these proposed changes until it is too late. They are going to have an appalling effect on those who require support or use facilities such as the library, both essential to civilised society as we know it.

But then this is brought to us by the party whose former leader once said: “there’s no such thing as society”.

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Responses to Letter: Too Few Appreciate the Magnitude of County Council Cuts

  1. Bernard Parke Reply

    November 27, 2018 at 9:56 am

    To add to Matthew’s letter in a recent letter from the local Government Minister Rushi Sunak was written that more local government services will be funded from local resources and not by government grants.

    This will, of course, mean more pressure on the hard-pressed council taxpayer.

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